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Hello and welcome to KnightIndustries.Org! This site is here to track my on-going restoration project of taking a 1982 Pontiac Trans Am and modifying it into K.I.T.T., with some of my own custom alterations and updating. Above is a pic of KITT as he rolled down the driveway for the first time this year on May 4, 2011. Actual life has been crazy this past year between welcoming my second child and work being through the roof busy. I know I haven't had a chance to get to the site in awhile but I'm hoping to get some time soon to update. Thanks for stopping by! :)
I've gotten some new parts for the car, both installed and just stored, so I'm hoping to get some pics of all that fun stuff up soon. One of the items is a I have one of the first Renegade Intakes from DCS, (actually, their last Pre-Production, pretty sweet!), so I'm trying to get time on the Dyno to do before and afters. Also, the Car Blog is far out of date and broken so that's at the top of the list too. Check back soon for the changes hopefully! :)
If you are wondering what parts I need to most right now for my car, (which includes parts to make the car easier and safer to drive, not just fun, fluff parts), then click here or go to "Top 10 Wanted!" from the nav bar at the top.
If you are looking to buy a gift for me that's under $100, (and many things are below even $25), then click here or go to "CHEAP THINGS" from the nav bar up top.
Finally, if you just want to see the complete list of everything that I need for my car and want to pick and chose something from there, then click here or go to "Complete Parts List" from the nav bar at the top.
Lastly, there are sections of this website that are written using the "KNIGHT" font. To best experience the site, I strongly recommend that you click here to download the Knight Font if you do not already have it installed. After downloading, to install it, just navigate to Start -> Control Panel -> Setting -> Fonts and look for the file where ever you saved it to to install it.